A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Money Man is my first ever finished game, which I wrote with C++ and SDL2.
It's pretty small scale but contains a quite personal message for me. So it might be interesting for you, even if it's only for a short while.

If you are interested in the Code, then you might want to have a look on my game's Github page: https://github.com/tevoran/money-man


Money Man 1.0 (Windows) 6.9 MB
Money Man (Linux) .deb-package 109 kB
Money Man (Linux) 108 kB

Install instructions

Windows: You simply have to execute the executable in the windows directory after unzipping the .zip-file.

Linux: If you are using a Debian-based distro I recommend using the .deb-package. If you are using another kind of distro then you can use the .tar-ball, where you only have to make sure to have SDL2, SDL2-ttf and SDL2-image installed.

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